Business, Productivity, Tips

Five Ways To Increase Work Productivity During a Pandemic

Being productive can be very difficult. But, finishing the day knowing you ticked all the boxes on your to-do list can’t be more satisfying. The joy that comes with maxing your creative game is so gratifying.

More so, the Covid-19 pandemic has negatively affected many businesses in the world all over, and different economic facets are way beyond the grasp of many business managers and entrepreneurs. Regardless, this shouldn’t deter your level of productivity.

Different factors, put together, determine your daily level of productivity. Making small changes like effectively managing your time, will not only drastically propel your level of productivity, but will also enhance the quality of work you do within a short period.

In this article, we will look at the top five tips to maximize your daily activities and enhance your productivity.  

Do The Heavy Lifting When You’re Most Alert

The most important key to maximizing your productivity is operating at your peak moment; the hours you perform the best. This period, however, differs from person to person.

To some, they are most alert in the morning, and to others, they function best at night. The point is executing your biggest and most demanding tasks at your peak productivity time not leaving them to when you’re completely worn-out. Doing this will not only enhance your productivity but also, it will boost your confidence for the day.

Stop Multitasking 

A study shows that multitasking physically harms the brain. It can be very tempting and seemingly productive to execute those simple and easy tasks at once; conversely, you not only end up with mediocre tasks but also, the mental blocks that come with multitasking massively reduce your productivity by 40%.

To put it simple and direct, Multitasking is a productivity killer. It saps out your energy and leaves you with many unticked boxes on your to-do list.

Be clear and precise with each of your tasks. Increase your level of productivity by focusing your attention on getting one task accomplished at a time.

“Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that’s not why we’re here.”
– Mark Twain

Set Small and Achievable Goals

It’s fine to have big projects on your to-do list but that can be very overwhelming and very stressful for the brain. To increase your productivity, split those big projects into smaller and achievable tasks. Doing this puts you in control of your daily tasks, and makes big projects less demanding.

Eliminate Distractions

Implementing a no-phone rule might not be feasible. However, what’s feasible is completely shutting out social media while you’re working. Social media distracts you and greatly reduces your level of productivity.

In fact, during your peak productivity time, enforce a rule of no-calls, no-mails, no alerts.

Take A Break and Reward Yourself

The lie is that the more hours you spend working, the more productive you get. On the contrary, when you work for too many hours at a stretch, you get burned-out and once that happens, your level of productivity starts draining.

Take frequent breaks to relax your brain and also, reward yourself always.  It could be with a cup of coffee or anything.  It keeps your brain fresh and enhances your level of productivity.

There you have five tips to keep your level of productivity flying high. However, you can’t be productive all day, every day. Sometimes, the brain just needs some rest. Don’t beat yourself too hard when it happens.

Stay ahead of your game and be productive.